Wednesday, 5 July 2017

70MHz QRO amplifier

For the UKAS contests in 2015-16, I was using a very old A200 amplifier which would only produce around 35W, ok for the AR section and absolutely fine running off the car battery.  However, once I had bought my generator, I was able to pull an unfinished project out of the cupboard – the SSPA.  I had bought this module from Hellenic RF Lab in Greece a few years earlier and put together the metalwork but just hadn’t got round to powering up.

The module is supplied fitted with an MRF6VP11 device, quite capable of the legal limit.  At full steam, the efficiency is around 80% - so 200W of heat to be dissipated.  I used the Marston Ultra-Fin heatsink fitted with the recommended Papst 3312 fan – this combination should have a thermal resistance of 0.08C/W implying a temperature rise of only 16C.  I have used four long screws through the heatsink to hold the fan in place.  Annoyingly, the fins of the heatsink flex when drilled so it looks a little untidy under the fan.  Don’t forget the finger guard on top of the fan.  The fan doesn’t seem to create a massive airflow (compared with fans used to blow a 4CX250) but all seems to work ok.

View inside amp

The output connector was screwed directly to the heatsink / groundplane and with the high RF currents, it seemed like a good idea to maintain this.    I’ve used a Perancea CFL3 case which has a fixed base and removable lid.  I made a cut-out in the bottom of the case so the heat spreader sits flush onto the heatsink.  Cutting out this rectangle was a bit painful with my limited tools (hacksaw and flat file) and I plan to use the version of the box with two lids for my next amplifier.   The output N connector is screwed directly to the end wall, then the heat spreader is screwed down to the heatsink.  When supplied, the input was also fitted with an N-connector which I removed and replaced with a short length of RG174 and a BNC connector for the input feed.

DC at 50V (and 20A) is fed in via a pair of chunky feed through capacitors and I’ve used phono connectors for the bias volts and fan 12V supplies.  The fan supply is fed back out on an SMC connector, it was easier to use a small screw-on connector to prevent the possibility of the cable loom pulling the wires off the fan.  I’ll write up the details of the main PSU in another blog entry.

The module arrived from Greece with the bias being fed by a power resistor from the 50V rail but I wanted to separate this out so I could turn the amplifier on and off using the PTT line.  I installed a little jumper link so I can select 50V or PTT.  The gate needs to be adjustable between 0V and 3V to set the standing current and there is a multi-turn potentiometer into the gate feed and this also allows the bias to be turned to zero for initial testing.


I was fortunate to be able to use work’s 50V, 20A, current limited power supply so I could do initial testing on the amp at a protected 2A and then turn everything up carefully.  The transistor data sheet indicates it should be biased to a few hundred mA and with less than a Watt of drive should give lots of power and indeed it did.  However, the power output started to fall off after a few seconds.  I realised the heat spreader was nice and warm but the heatsink was cold.  Although the spreader and heatsink were screwed together they were not connected thermally.  A quick layer of heatsink compound soon sorted that out and the amp is now temperature stable.  I also found that turning the standing current up to around 1A improved the gain significantly and probably did wonders for the linearity.

So after a quick tidy up and covers on, the amp was ready for use

Completed amplifier

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