Back in the 1980s’ I was very active on
70MHz from home with a homebrew transverter (Jewell and Powis) feeding a single 4CX250 for legal
limit power. I had decided that since
144MHz UKAC was going nicely that I could fit in the four 70MHz contests, again
probably just in the AL section. So the
transverter was found (in the loft again) but I quickly realised it only had
0.5W output – enough to drive the ‘250 but not enough for the contest. Probably also a bit average on performance so I decided that a new transverter would
be a good thing to bring me up to state of the art. One quick email to G4DDK and a new unit was
in the post. Unfortunately, I didn’t
have enough time to get everything working before the 31st of March but I was
ready to go for June.
This is the G4DDK Anglian transverter in a 70MHz version with the 7W amplifier module on the rear panel. The box and cabling dates from 1985, just needed a quick re-wire of the DC, add some SMA plugs and away it went. For the record, 7W out with second and third harmonics >-66dBc - impressive. The front end is some modern device so no need to worry about the system noise figure and 24dB gain.
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